“Abdo Dagher, A Unique Music Phenomenon” at Arab Music Institute

“Abdo Dagher, A Unique Music Phenomenon” at Arab Music Institute

13 March 2024

The Cairo Opera House, under the supervision of Dr. Lamiaa Zayed, organizes a Cultural Panel discussing Ines Gala El Din’s latest book “Abdo Dagher, A Unique Music Phenomenon” place at the Arab Music Institute on Thursday, 14 March at 7 p.m. The Panel is moderated by Dr. Khaled Dagher and hosts former students of the late Abdo Dagher including: Mohamed Zahir, Hisham Essam and Hazem Shaheen.
Abdo Dagher, a prominent musical figure, is known as “Master of Improvisation”. His unique music style and distinctive approach to playing and composing music became a prominent factor in exhibiting the full capabilities of musical instruments.
Born in Tanta in 1936, his musical journey began with studying oud at the age of seven. At the age of ten, he started studying violin which became his source of inspiration.
In his youth, due to his talent and skill, he worked as a violinist in several orchestras and ensembles of prominent singers such as Um Kulthum, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, and Mohamed Abdel Mutalib.
Together with Abdel Halim Nowera, he founded the Arab Music Ensemble, presenting his works in various Arab and European countries. Abdo Dagher held numerous master classes and workshops, and participated in music festivals in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Belgium.
He was head of the Oriental Violin House and trained its students. Dagher received several international awards including Badib Award from Saudi Arabia. He passed away on 10 May 2021 leaving behind a unique musical legacy.
On the other hand, Dr. Ines Galal El Din is currently the General Director of Music Scheduling at the Egyptian Radio. She is a music researcher and a member of the scientific committee of the Arab Music Festival and Conference. She hosts a monthly cultural salon at the Beshtak Palace, where she discusses various aspects of Egyptian and Arab music. Ines Galal El Din has written several books about Egyptian artists, including Ali Ismail, Fouad El Zaher, Mohamed Mounir and others.


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