Cairo Opera House Celebrates International Museum Day

Cairo Opera House Celebrates International Museum Day

15 May 2024

In recognition of the important role of museums in fostering understanding, and preserving cultural heritage, the Cairo Opera House, under the supervision of Dr. Lamiaa Zayed, is organizing a cultural salon titled “Museums... and Art Management... History, Creativity, and Life” in cooperation with the Sector of Fine Arts at the Arab Music Institute on Saturday, 18 May 2024 at 7 p.m.
The event hosts Dr. Mohamed Baghdady, writer and critic; Dr. Salwa Hamdy, visual artist, Head of the Central Department of Museums and Exhibitions at the Sector of Fine Arts; and Mohamed Kamal, journalist and art critic, supervisor of the “Creativity Orchard” project.
The International Museum Day is a global event celebrated on 18 May each year in coordination with the International Council of Museums (ICOM). It was officially established in 1977 with the adoption of a resolution during the ICOM General Assembly in Moscow, Russia to create an annual event with the aim of further unifying the creative aspirations and efforts of museums and drawing the attention of the world public to their activity. The International Museum Day also encourages dialogue between specialists in the field to create opportunities for cultural exchange and to promote understanding, cooperation, and peace between different nations.

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