Indonesian Night Closes Islamic & Arab Countries “Ramadan Nights” at Cairo Opera House

Indonesian Night Closes Islamic & Arab Countries “Ramadan Nights” at Cairo Opera House

28 March 2024

As part of the cultural activities during the holy month of Ramadan, the Cairo Opera House, under the supervision of Dr. Lamiaa Zayed, closes the Arab and Islamic Countries “Ramadan Nights” series with an evening dedicated to the Republic of Indonesia. The event is held in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Cairo and the Foreign Cultural Relations Sector, at the Small on Monday, 1 April at 9 p.m.
Titled “Indonesia: A Heaven on Earth”, the evening features several artistic ensembles comprised of Indonesian residents in Egypt. At the beginning, a joint opening performance by all the ensembles is presented. Following this, each ensemble performs separately presenting local folklore dances, contemporary dances and traditional Indonesian songs.

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