Mohamed Salmawy, Guest at Cairo Opera Cultural Salon

Mohamed Salmawy, Guest at Cairo Opera Cultural Salon

12 May 2024

The Cairo Opera House, under the supervision of Dr. Lamiaa Zayed, is organizing a cultural salon titled "Literature and National Issues," hosting the prominent Egyptian writer and intellectual, Mohamed Salmawy at the Small Hall on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 7 p.m.
The salon is moderated by Dr. Haitham El Hajj Ali, professor of art criticism and former president of the General Egyptian Book Organization.
Mohamed Salmawy is a prominent intellectual figure in the Arab cultural scene due to his rich literary production (plays, novels, and short stories) and his presidency of the Egyptian Writers Union and the General Union of Arab Writers for ten years.
Salmawy studied English Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, graduating in 1966. He obtained a diploma in Shakespeare Theater from Oxford University, England, in 1969 and, then, joined the American University in Cairo receiving a M.A. in mass communication in 1975.
He taught English and literature at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University before moving in 1970 to Al-Ahram newspaper to work as a foreign affairs editor. Over his career, Salmawy held the position of editor-in-chief of the English-language edition of Al-Ahram Weekly and editor-in-chief of the French-language Al-Ahram Hebdo newspaper, in addition to his daily columns in Al-Ahram and other newspapers.
He was honored by numerous international institutions and countries, receiving: the Royal Order of the Crown from King Albert II of Belgium in 2008; the Order of Merit from Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in 2006; the Order of Arts and Letters from France in 1995; the Order of Jerusalem in 2017; and finally the Nile Award in Literature in 2020.

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