Second Evening of “The Masters of Arab Music” at Cairo Opera House

Second Evening of “The Masters of Arab Music” at Cairo Opera House

27 September 2023

Under the Auspices of the Minister of Culture

Medhat Saleh Sings Masterpieces of Arab Music at Fountain Theatre

Under the auspices of Dr. Nevine El-Kilany, the Minister of Culture, the concert series “The Masters of Arab Music” continues at the Cairo Opera House. This artistic project is organized by the Cairo Opera House under the supervision of Dr. Khaled Dagher, Chairman of the Board, in cooperation with the star, Medhat Saleh, and United Media Services Company. The second evening will be held at the Fountain Theatre on Friday, 29 September 2023 at 8:30 p.m.
During this evening, Medhat Saleh is accompanied with Cine Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Ahmed Oweida. Masterpieces prominent Egyptian and Arab composers from the golden era of Arab music are presented during this special evening. Rearranged in a modern orchestral style, these works aim to reshape the Arab musical heritage and simultaneously preserve its unique characteristic.
“The Masters of Arab Music” concert series is a step towards reviving and modernizing the Arab musical heritage. It provides the Cairo Opera audience, especially young people and new generations, with the opportunity to get acquainted with our rich music legacy.

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