“Stabat Mater” by Rossini at Main Hall

“Stabat Mater” by Rossini at Main Hall

13 June 2024

The Cairo Opera House, under the supervision of Dr. Lamiaa Zayed, is hosting a concert by the Cairo Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Ahmed El Saedi at the Main Hall on Saturday, 15 June 2024 at 8:30 p.m.
The concert’s program features “Stabat Mater,” one of the most famous works of the world-renowned Italian composer Gioachino Rossini performed by Mona Rafla (soprano), Jolie Faizy (mezzo-soprano), Amr Medhat (tenor) and Reda El Wakil (bass), along with the A Cappella Choir trained and conducted by Maya Gvineria. The performance will take place. Written for soloists, choir, and orchestra, it depicts the Virgin Mary standing before the cross during the Passion of Christ, a scene that has been portrayed in numerous musical compositions accompanying Catholic religious rituals.
Gioachino Rossini was a famous Italian composer born in Pesaro in 1792. He wrote many works that shaped the history of opera worldwide. Rossini was known for his unique sense of melody and the dramatic impact of his works, which earned him a distinguished place among his audience.

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